Welcome to Klein Community!!!
A website dedicated to Luthier Steve Klein, a gathering place for Education, Archival and Virtual Library to his extensive work nearing 50 years of innovation, invention, and development of the electric and steel string acoustic guitar.
As this site becomes more established, I hope to have weekly updates to the site, uploading reading materials, photos, and videos. Please bear in mind that this is a labor of love and self-financed, I appreciate your patience, support and understanding!
It will be my goal to include links to:
Artists (where you can see Klein instruments live, and support them through buying their music).
Guitar Shops that carry Klein Guitars (mostly used & new ones through selected shops)
Photographers, Author/Writers (where you can support by buying their books and prints).
“Inspired By” (world famous luthiers who are fans of Steve Klein).
Steve’s Crew (where are they now?)
And a long list of cool and interesting things related to the Master Luthier Steve Klein. You may even see what he is brewing in his shop in Sonoma, California!!!!
Thank you for visiting the site and your support and encouragement!